We deliver expert Veterinary Practice Management Software (PMS) support at affordable rates. We have over 30 years of PMS experience, the last 20 years working with all modules and features of IDEXX Cornerstone software.

Implementing and updating the right PMS system for your practice increases efficiencies, and eliminates errors and missed charges. We can come on your site, or work with you via video conferencing and remotely and securely access your system to update your software setup. Our support ranges from managing client records and inventory control, to updating fee structures and improving your scheduling system and workflow.

  • Aligning your Chart of Accounts and financial reporting with AAHA standards allows you analyze and compare strategic metrics in areas of your practice, critical for managing your Key Productivity Indicators and financials
  • On-line and in-person IDEXX Cornerstone software support and training for staff at all levels
    • For Practice Owners, Veterinarians and Practice Managers
      • Best ways to use your Cornerstone software for how you want to operate and manage your practice
      • Understand all features of Cornerstone reporting
      • Set up and integrate Cornerstone medical records
      • Practice workflow analysis and implementation to optimize your practice
      • Measuring and managing compliance to ensure client follow-up
    • For Inventory Managers
      • Setting up and using the Cornerstone Inventory Module
      • Purchasing, receiving, and tracking all inventory items
      • Identifying issues and taking corrective action to improve inventory control and profitability
    • For Practice Owners, Veterinarians, Practice Managers, Technicians and Receptionists
      • Setting up and efficiently using your Whiteboard(s)
    • For Practice Managers, additional training and coaching support for all Cornerstone features to keep the practice running smoothly and efficiently